Why MacBook Battery Replacement?

Having a MacBook that battery lasts short are one of the indications that your battery are starting to malfunction and requires a replacement in order for your Mac to run at it's peak performance and also extend the time that you can work with your MacBook without being tied to the wall plug.

Swollen Battery a.k.a "Pregnant Battery" which carries a danger potential of chemical leakage and flame hazard as if the protective film of your battery penetrates. Swollen battery usually have lower battery capacity and does not lasts long. Prolong usage of a swollen battery might carry a risk of battery packaging leakage and the chemical may harm the user upon physical contact.


Charges varies depends on model and service taken.

Time Required

Few hours to multiple working days depends on service taken.


Apple iPad repairs are default covered with 1 month warranty unless stated otherwise.

How Can I Take This Service ?